The Manoogian Group offers a wide range of commercial real estate and business brokerage services.
Commercial Real Estate Services
Types Of Commercial Properties
Multifamily properties are often the limbo for residential and commercial properties. While they can serve as your primary residence they are commonly used for investments (owner-occupied or not). .
Examples of multifamily properties would be everything from a duplex (two or more units) up through a multi-hundred unit apartment building.
Office buildings can be “grouped” into one of three categories: Class A, Class B, or Class C. These classifications can depend on the building’s location and strength of the surrounding market.
Class A buildings are thought to be the best in the terms of market strength and location.
Class B properties will most likely consist of a nice building, but a location with less strength.
Class C are those that could be less maintained and are an unfavorable location.
Industrial Industrial properties can also vary quite a bit in size, depending on their specific use-cases.
Industrial real estate is normally for properties that perform non-public commercial use. Such properties are commonly near the heart of cities, seaports, airports, and major highways allowing easy transportation of goods and supplies.
Examples of industrial buildings would be heavy manufacturing, light assembling, flex warehouse, or bulk warehouses.
Retail real estate allows investors to rent, lease, manage, buy or sell spaces that range from shopping centers to individual stores and pop-up shops.
Examples of retail real estate would be strip / shopping centers, community retail centers, power centers, regional malls, and out parcels.
Tenant examples would be: Target, Chipotle, The Habit, Whole Foods, Dry Cleaners, etc.
Hotels / Hospitality
Hotels / Hospitality properties are those that are operated or are intended to be operated as a hotel, motel or other lodging for transient use of rooms or is a structure from which a hotel, motel or other lodging for transient use of rooms is operated or intended to be operated.
Examples would include full service hotels, limited service hotels, extended stay hotels., motels, or motor ins.
Mixed Use
Mixed use properties usually consist of a combination of property types including residential, commercial, and even industrial.
Examples of mixed use properties would be retail/restaurants, restaurants with multifamily sitting above, or retail with office space above.
Land, in the business sense, can refer to real estate or property, minus buildings and equipment, which is designated by fixed spatial boundaries. Land can consist of:
Greenfield land is undeveloped land such as farms or pasture. This could include agricultural land, orchards, animal farms, ranches, and more.
Infill land is normally located in a city and has been developed but is now vacant. This could be parking lots, military bases, or former railyards.
Brownfields are parcels of land previously used for industrial or commercial purposes but are now available for reuse. Examples would be gas stations, factories, or dry cleaning facilities.
Special Purpose
There are many other types of real real estate that investors construct and own that are considered commercial. This is when “special purpose” would be the category.
Examples of special purpose properties include amusement parks, bowling alleys, parking lots, stadiums, theaters, zoos, and much, much more.
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